How To Get Courier Contracts in the UK & Europe

More Services Available than Any of the Other Exchange Sites

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Our real-time freight exchange connects courier companies and drivers throughout the UK & Europe.

Why choose Courier Exchange to find courier contracts?

We are the UK’s premier website and freight platform for the transport delivery industry. We help owner van drivers, courier companies and freight forwarders find work, sub-contract courier driver jobs and find empty vehicles in the UK and mainland Europe.

Help when you need it

The Exchange also allows you to sub-contract any courier work with the minimum of effort. If you have more work than you can handle, you can sub-contract to our trusted supply of operators who have been fully vetted. Our easy-to-use platform means that you can develop your business into a more profitable organisation.

Benefits for your business

With a great network of transport firms, freight forwarders and owner drivers, you can rely on the fact that your time and money is well spent, especially with over 170,000 UK and European courier jobs listed every month.

Building long-term relationships

We put firms, owner drivers and freight forwarders in contact with one another, allowing you to make a trustworthy network of contacts. All members are vetted giving you peace of mind.

Key benefits

With extra courier work and reliable sub-contractors, you can retain more customers and grow your business. We have many unique features that set us apart from other online platforms:


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Explore the ways that joining the largest network of couriers in Europe will take your business to the next level.

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Delivery jobs posted on the UK’s most active delivery network every month.


Total generated by contracts undertaken annually by our members.


Average member-to-member positive feedback rating.

Plans & pricing

Join over 8,000 member businesses across the UK and Europe.
Find the plan that works for you.

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Success stories

Planet Logistics

Planet Logistics celebrates two anniversaries this year – its own ten-year birthday and ten years of being part of CX, the world’s largest trading hub for same-day and express freight carriers. Established in 2000 by former Lynx employees David Summerhayes and Glyn Hall, Planet Logistics has grown alongside CX.

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Purpleline Couriers

Terry Price had spent years of his life working in the transport sector, but he wanted more from his career. As soon as he was introduced to the Courier Exchange network, things changed for the better and his business began to blossom.

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AK Transporters

AK Transporters began with the Courier Exchange (CX) in May 2023. In just three months, their start-up has grown into a thriving business on CX.

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