Add your tracked vehicles for more real-time load opportunities and improved collaboration with your trading partners.
If you’ve already made the investment in a tracking solution for your company vehicles, you can now do a whole lot more with these assets on the Exchange. Transport Exchange Group has partnered with well-known telematics providers such as Navman Wireless, TomTom Telematics, Masternaut, Quartix or Causeway allowing you to integrate any of your chosen tracked vehicles with the Exchange.
1. When your real-time vehicle location data is integrated with the Exchange, your traffic desk can add further information such as capacity status (ie., whether the vehicle is loaded, part-full, empty) and also specify the next destination for each vehicle.
2. You then have a choice for each vehicle – to select whether you would like to advertise this information onto the general Exchange, or just to chosen trading partners, or keep the details private to your own planners.
3. Whichever option you select, you will be able to see both your fleet and new loads posted in real-time on a unique combined map view. You will receive automated email notifications for new van loads available based upon live vehicle locations.
4. The map updates automatically in real time, so making this a true ‘hands-off’ feature, ideal for putting on a large screen in your traffic office!
All you will need to do is set up any vehicles that you wish to integrate with the Exchange. There are safeguards and controls are in place for when you need them, for instance you can hide your vehicle locations from general view at any time and the map zoom level is restricted for other members.
Which providers have you integrated with?
We have a growing list of integrated tracking partners including Navman Wireless, TomTom Telematics, Masternaut, Quartix and Causeway. If we haven’t yet created an integration with your current supplier, we will be pleased to talk to them about this.
How much does it cost?
You will continue to pay your vehicle tracking provider as usual. There is no charge to integrate with the Exchange.
*Please note that this integration requires you to have a valid subscription to one of Transport Exchange Group’s Freight Exchanges.
2000 - 2025. Transport Exchange Group Ltd, Reg No. 3464353 © E&OE
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