Courier Exchange: Uncovered loads and exciting opportunities in a thriving Midlands Courier Market

For owner drivers in Birmingham, Leicester, and the wider Midlands region, the courier industry presents a plethora of exciting opportunities. Recent Courier Exchange April 2023 reports revealed a significant number of uncovered loads, emphasizing the demand for courier services in these areas. 

A Wealth of Job Opportunities in Birmingham and Leicester

The courier market in Birmingham and Leicester is brimming with potential, as evidenced by the significant number of uncovered loads in April 2023. Approximately 6,000 loads were left unfulfilled in Birmingham, while Leicester saw nearly 4,000 unmet demands. These figures represent a vast pool of jobs waiting to be taken, providing owner drivers with ample opportunities to secure contracts and establish a thriving business presence in these regions.

The Midlands region, with its bustling economy and strategic location, serves as a thriving hub for courier services. In April 2023 alone, nearly 66,000 loads were posted in the Midlands. This data reflects the high demand for reliable, efficient, and professional courier services in the region, making it an ideal landscape for owner drivers to expand their operations and secure valuable contracts. 

Courier Exchange, with its vast network and extensive marketplace, connects owner drivers directly to the numerous uncovered loads across the country. This ensures a steady flow of job opportunities, allowing owner drivers to maximize their earning potential and grow their business.

Data-Driven Insights

Through our platform, we empower owner drivers to handle orders, track deliveries, and communicate with customers seamlessly. This efficiency contributes to a positive customer experience, strengthening relationships and fostering repeat business.

Courier Exchange offers valuable data and insights to owner drivers, helping them make informed decisions about their operations. 

Serving as a powerful platform, we connect owner drivers with new opportunities, enhancing visibility, and streamlining operations. By embracing the potential of Courier Exchange and tapping into different markets across the country, owner drivers can embark on an exciting journey of growth, success, and fulfilment in their business endeavours. 

For owner drivers in the courier industry, staying competitive and securing contracts can be a challenging endeavour. In today’s digital age, technology has become a vital ally in navigating this landscape. That’s where Courier Exchange comes into play. In this blog post, we will explore the incredible benefits of owner drivers joining Courier Exchange, and provide insights into how to secure valuable courier contracts in the UK through our platform.

Unleashing the Power of Courier Exchange for Owner Drivers

Courier Exchange offers a multitude of advantages to owner drivers looking to level up their courier services. By joining Courier Exchange, owner drivers gain access to a platform that streamlines operations, enhances customer communication, and provides valuable resources to grow their business.

So, what does that mean, exactly? 

Courier Exchange simplifies order management, enabling owner drivers to efficiently handle and track their deliveries in one centralised system. This saves time, reduces errors, and enhances overall operational efficiency. 

We provide integrated communication channels that empower owner drivers to interact with customers seamlessly. Timely updates, estimated arrival times, and addressing customer inquiries become effortless, fostering stronger customer relationships.

With Courier Exchange, owner drivers can harness the power of real-time tracking. This enables them to provide customers with precise information about their loads, building trust and ensuring transparent delivery experiences.

Our intelligent routing algorithms optimize delivery routes, allowing owner drivers to maximize efficiency and minimize travel time. This improves productivity, reduces fuel costs, and ensures faster deliveries, enhancing customer satisfaction.

How you too can secure courier contracts on Courier Exchange 

Our platform will enable you to understand the demand for courier services in different industries and regions within the UK. You can also identify potential niches or underserved markets that align with your expertise and capabilities. 

The most important thing to remember is that establishing connections within the courier industry by networking with members and receiving positive reviews, will help you get more business long-term. Collaborating with other couriers or courier associations can provide valuable insights and potential contract opportunities. Our platform serves as a gateway to connecting owner drivers with a wide range of available loads and contract opportunities.

If you want to thrive on Courier Exchange like other couriers, you should strive to provide exceptional service to your customers. Delight them with timely deliveries, clear communication, and personalized experiences. Positive customer reviews and testimonials will significantly boost your reputation and attract more contract opportunities.

For owner drivers in the UK courier industry, joining forces with Courier Exchange opens up a world of opportunities. From streamlining operations to enhancing customer communication and securing valuable contracts, Courier Exchange empowers owner drivers to thrive in a competitive market. By utilizing Courier Exchange’s powerful platform and incorporating strategies to secure courier contracts in the UK, owner drivers can elevate their business and unlock new levels of success. So, gear up, embrace the digital transformation, and embark on an exciting journey that leads to growth, profitability, and a thriving courier career.

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Being a self-employed courier driver has its perks. You set your own hours. You call the shots. And best of all, no-one takes a cut of your income.

But let’s say you’re just getting started as a courier. You’ve joined CX and, after 3 months, you’ve made your money back (like 89% of new members). And you’ve started to wonder…

How do you make even more money on CX?

There are at least seven ways to make more money on Courier Exchange:

  1. Be available
  2. Get good feedback
  3. Offer specialist services
  4. Use Future Positions
  5. Use Future Journeys
  6. Use TEG PPM
  7. Expand your service area

In this post, we’ll look at each in detail.

1. Be available

There are two ways to get loads on the Exchange.

The most common way is using our live loads map to find bookings: you search the map and, when you see something interesting, you contact the load poster offering to help.

Find loads

Use current location

As an Exchange member, you can also filter by:

  • Vehicle size
  • Body type
  • Date
  • Freight type
  • My subcontractors

Thousands of loads to choose from

On CX, the most common way to get loads is by using our live loads map.

The second way to get loads on the Exchange is by direct bookings. Here, instead of you contacting load posters, load posters contact you directly.

To receive direct bookings, you need to be available… which is a setting you set through our app.

The more available you are, the more chance you have of getting direct bookings, which means more money in your pocket. And all it takes is a few phone taps…

2. Get good feedback

In a recent survey, we asked load posters what they looked for when choosing carriers and drivers.

Good feedback was their number one response.

Simply put, when you have good feedback, you can expect to make more money on the Exchange. You can expect to get more bookings. And you can expect to make more per mile. The question is: how do you get good feedback?

Well, load posters want to work with companies who deliver loads on time and in a good condition. They also want to work with companies who go above and beyond and communicate well. (Using our app can help here – you can share your live location, which keeps customers updated of your ETA while you’re driving.)

But what you really need to do – and what most people don’t do – is ask for feedback. So, once you’ve delivered a load, ask your customer to write about it on our platform… especially if you’ve gone above and beyond.

3. Offer specialist services

If you have specialised skills or expertise, you can charge higher rates for your services.

For example, if you’re experienced in handling fragile items, you may be able to offer a premium service for delicate packages. Similarly, if you’re trained in transporting hazardous materials, you can offer a specialised service that commands a higher price tag.

By offering specialised services, you can work with load posters willing to pay more for your expertise.

4. Use Future Positions

On the Exchange, most members looking for loads tend to look for loads in their current location as and when they need them.

That’s great, but it’s limiting. After all, if you know you’re going from Brighton to Birmingham, do you really need to wait until you’re in Birmingham to get your next load?

The answer is: not when you’re on the Exchange.

One of the Exchange’s lesser-known (but most powerful) features is Future Positions. With Future Positions, you can plug in where your vehicle will be at pretty much any point in the future. As soon as you do, you can get notifications of available loads that fit your future position. Better still, load posters will know where you’re going to be and when – so they can book you direct in advance.

Let’s say you’re travelling from Brighton to Birmingham tomorrow, arriving at midday, and returning at 3pm. Using the Exchange, you might set your future position as in Birmingham from 12.30pm to 3pm. You can then get notifications whenever load posters post loads with pickup points in and around Birmingham exactly when you’re going to be in the area. Even better, load posters searching for drivers will be able to see when you’re going to be in Birmingham so they can book you direct.

Future Positions allows you to plan ahead, and it can reduce your dead miles. All in, that means you can make even more money on the Exchange.

5. Use Future Journeys

Future Positions is very smart. But even smarter is Future Journeys.

With Future Journeys, you can let the Exchange know not just where you’re going to be, but where you’re travelling to. Continuing the example above, if you know you’re leaving Birmingham at 3pm tomorrow to head back to Brighton, you can plug your upcoming journey into the Exchange. Once you’ve done that, you can get notifications of jobs that take into account your future journey.

You might get something from Birmingham to Oxford, say. Then, you might grab a load to transport from Reading to Brighton. It’s on your way. So the Exchange will tell you.

Future Journeys is yet another way to reduce your dead miles so you make even more money on Courier Exchange.

6. Use TEG PPM

To make more money on the Exchange, you need to get your pricing right. That’s hard when prices:

  1. Vary based on you vehicle type
  2. Vary based on your location
  3. And change constantly due to fuel price changes, demand changes, economic changes, and many other factors

Luckily, with TEG PPM, pricing isn’t guesswork.

TEG PPM averages and categorises almost all the journeys on the Exchange to give you a good idea of current prices per mile.

As you can see, TEG PPM shows you prices per mile for specific vehicles in specific locations. It gives you guidance on pricing so you can make informed decisions.

Even better, TEG PPM updates weekly, so when prices change – you know about it.

7. Expand your service area

If you’re willing to cover a bigger area, you can access more jobs on the Courier Exchange.

It’s rare you’ll need to do this. But if and when you end up getting a second or third vehicle, you may wish to expand your service area to see what else is out there. (Just be sure to factor in the cost of fuel and other expenses when doing so.)

To sum up…

Once you’re off the mark, there are a few things you can do to try to make more money on the Exchange. Availability, feedback, specialised services, Future Positions, Future Journeys, informed pricing and an expanded service area can all help.

It’s easy to ignore these tactics. After all, running a courier business is hard enough as it is. But then success as a self-employed courier requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to go above and beyond for your customers. And if you already have those qualities, then the above tactics shouldn’t be too daunting at all.

If you’re not currently an Exchange member and would like to see how it works, simply register your details below.


You might be a self-employed courier, looking to make more money. Or maybe your multi-van courier company needs more loads. Either way, at some point the question will have crossed your mind:

How much money can you make on Courier Exchange?

That’s why we’ve created a tool to calculate your earning potential on the Exchange.

How the earnings calculator works

The CX earnings calculator uses averages. It looks at all loads delivered on the Exchange in the last week, grouped by vehicle type (small van, LWB, Luton, etc.) and taking location into account.

It then calculates the average price per mile for a specific vehicle delivering a load on CX.

Factors that affect earnings on CX

The earnings calculator is a good starting point. But if you want to have an even clearer picture of how much you could make on the Exchange, there are a few more factors to consider.

1. Your location

Prices per mile vary in different parts of the country – which the earnings calculator takes into account.

You should also consider that – especially if you’re in a high-demand area – you might occasionally have more loads than you can take on. In this case, you can find subcontractors on CX for your surplus work, so you never leave money on the table.


Driver demand varies between locations. If you’d like to know how many loads are available in your area, register your interest and our team will show you.

2. Hotshots vs backloads

Something else to consider is whether you’ll be delivering hotshots or backloads.

On CX, hotshots are ‘regular’ loads. These loads usually need to be delivered quickly. When you’re booked to deliver a hotshot load, you’ll most likely drive to the pick-up point straight away – or if you’re a transport manager, you’ll send one of your vehicles to pick it up..

Backloads are different. They’re exactly what what they sound like: loads you collect as a bonus. Usually after you’ve delivered a load, simply because you’re heading in the direction of the drop off point anyway.

These types of loads aren’t time-critical, so you should be able to collect them at some point in the future, after you’ve finished your current delivery. This is one of the reasons why Courier Exchange is so popular: once you’ve arranged an initial outbound load, you can find a backload before you set off.

Because backloads are an added bonus, the prices per mile for backloads are usually lower than prices per mile for regular loads.

(Of course, as a Courier Exchange member you can still quote for hotshots when heading back home. There’s nothing stopping you. In fact, doing so makes good business sense.)

3. Specialist services

Another thing to consider when calculating how much you can earn on CX is whether you can offer specialist courier services.

Are you licensed to carry hazardous goods? Can you or your company transport chilled goods? Or oversized loads?

Most couriers can’t take these kinds of loads. So if you can collect and deliver them, your price per mile will almost certainly be higher than average.

4. Feedback

Some couriers think shippers just want a good price for delivering loads. But that’s not the whole picture.

In the past, we’ve surveyed shippers (at CX we call them ‘load posters’) to see what it is they want from Exchange couriers. And their response, more than anything, is a courier in a nearby location who has good feedback.

That means, if you have good feedback, load posters are happy to pay a little more for your services. So, if you’re a good courier or courier company, your reputation will pay off and you’ll make more than average on the Exchange.

5. Direct bookings

On the Exchange, you can search our live map for loads. But that’s not the only way to get work.

As well as searching for loads, you can share your availability with other Exchange members. Exchange ‘load-posters’ can then find you on the live map. And when they do, they can book you direct.


The map below shows vehicles available right now. Load posters can use the map to book vehicles directly – often at a higher than average price per mile

Find vehicles

Use current location

As an Exchange member, you can also filter by:

  • Vehicle size
  • Body type
  • Date
  • Freight type
  • My subcontractors

Browse available vehicles

The price per mile for ‘direct’ bookings is often greater than average. This is more evidence for the point made earlier: load posters are willing to pay more for a good courier.

So, how much can you really earn on the Exchange?

To sum up:

Made in the armed forces, born to be a courier. Mike Puplett, an owner driver from East Yorkshire, reveals how a career in the military helped open doors in logistics.

“Hi. I’m Mike. Some of you may know me by my trading name, ‘The Courier Guy (UK)’. If we haven’t already met, let me introduce myself. I’m an owner driver based in East Yorkshire. I run a same and next day delivery courier operation, which covers the whole of the UK.

While I’m fairly new to same-day logistics, a 20-year career in the Royal Navy and a further two decades spent in maritime search and rescue has prepared me well for my new career. In fact, you could say it’s the perfect training ground in many ways. Why? Well, in the Navy and the Coastguard, whether you’re working on your own or as part of a team – you have to be able to coordinate a coherent and effective plan of action under great pressure. Sometimes lives depend on it.

Logistics, which is closely linked to the just-in time manufacturing sector – has many parallels. Okay – I’d be exaggerating if I were to say that the pressures are as acute. But to be successful in same-day freight, I’ve had to draw on all of my 40 years’ experience of advanced planning and strategy.”

How I expanded my client base

“When I first began operating as a courier driver a couple of years ago, the big challenge was getting in front of a big client. Why would they choose you when they can give the job to someone who has been operating all of their working life?

To gain experience, I began working for a logistics company. Whilst I was happy to do the work, I had little control over my work/life balance. Some weeks the work would come in thick and fast, but there were also times when I could go a day or two without a job. As I was being paid on a job-by-job basis, no work meant no money.  I thought there must be a smarter way.

That’s when I found Courier Exchange. I’d never heard of it, and back then, I must confess that I didn’t even know what a freight exchange platform was, but I decided to look into it. I did my own in-depth research, talked to other couriers, and then called the customer services team. They provided a demo. While it seemed too good to be true, I realised that I had nothing to lose and I signed up. Two months on I haven’t been disappointed. I only wish that I’d found CX sooner.”

CX: the benefits of belonging to a freight exchange platform

“So how has it benefited me? Well, when I was in the Royal Navy, I missed a lot of family life because I was at sea for many months at a time. From a family perspective, the Exchange has given me the freedom and flexibility to work for who I want, when I want and where I want.

Secondly, as I previously mentioned, the biggest barrier for any courier thinking of going it alone is ensuring that the work’s there. But CX solves that problem in one fell swoop. Imagine if I gave you a contact book containing the numbers of 6,000+ professional drivers and courier companies? That would cost 1000s of pounds, right? You’d think so. But CX gives you this virtual contact book for a fraction of that.

Thirdly, by giving the members access to driver feedback, CX puts merit above name. This has been important for someone like me, who has vast knowledge in planning, but little direct logistics experience to call upon.”

CX technology has given me an edge

Mike Puplett

“But what really stands out is the technology of the mobile app. For me, the Live Alerts feature is the backbone of the app. It knows my position, my status and also takes into account that I’m driving a small van. But what’s really clever is that while I’m delivering a load, it’s working in the background looking for my next one. By sifting through all the loads available to me in a set-radius, it sends notifications to my mobile phone as soon as they come in. That means that I don’t have to ring my contacts on the off-chance that there might or might not be a load. Instead. CX gives me certainty that there will be.

CX promoting sustainability

CX also ensures that I rarely travel home empty by providing me with regular return journeys. Okay – I’m not going to lie to you. Sometimes the backloads I get don’t always take me all the way home – particularly on longer trips. But, if for example I’m in London and looking to come home to Hull, it’s nearly always possible to pick up a return load to Leicester, Derby, or Nottingham and then another one to East Yorkshire. Before signing up with CX, I never got a single backload opportunity in the two years I worked there, which meant travelling back empty, wasting fuel, and letting a potential job slip away. In a small way, I also see getting a ‘backload’ as environmentally friendly. Why? Because prior to using CX, both I, and another vehicle would travel the same journey. The other vehicle would get the job, and I would drive home empty and unaware. I subscribe to the saying ‘Every little helps.’”

Leveraging operational efficiency on Courier Exchange

Talking of sustainability, I really like the fact that the Exchange has created a digital invoicing system. While many logistics companies still require paper copies of both PoD and invoices, I think in a few years’ time everything will be digital. Perhaps the biggest selling point for me, however, is the time I save. For anyone who has never used the CX accounts feature, it’s not that I can send an invoice and my PoD by email that’s really smart. Rather, it’s the fact that it’s an intelligent invoicing system and creates the invoice on my behalf, populating it with information as I drive. No typing, no editing. I just send it with the signed PoD to the load poster when I’m done. What could be simpler than that? I’d urge anyone who is thinking of a career as a courier driver, to seriously consider joining CX, you won’t look back.

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Nick explains, “I’d been driving vans for ten years. I worked mostly in multi-drop delivering and collecting around the west end of London. It got to a stage where I knew every back route and post code worth knowing in Soho, London, and the south-east. But it was only when I became a transport planner that I began to spot which type of vehicles were in most demand. I realised very quickly that there was a shortage of Luton tail-lift vans and that if I bought one and became a sole trader, I could do quite well for myself.”

After three years in the job, Nick took the plunge and decided to go it alone. He bought his first van – a Luton tail-lift – and began looking for work. But, as many budding entrepreneurs have found out, it’s one thing to spot a lucrative niche, but another to take advantage of it.

As a new operator, how do you get in front of new clients without a proven track record of running a business? And how do you convince a contractor to give you the job when they already have someone they trust on their books?

At first, like every new business, Nick faced an uphill battle to win clients. But not for long. Nick, you see, had been using Courier Exchange in his job as a planner for the last few years. Not only did he know his way around the app, he knew the most profitable routes, the best paying companies and, most crucially, the ones that always needed a Luton tail-lifter. He also had another advantage.

After three years as a planner, in which he used the Exchange to cover jobs on and to find his driver’s backloads, he learnt about areas that would be good to visit in the country to gain backloads and also what price to charge when quoting for work.

A year on and Nick has a developed a large customer base, ranging from contractors who specialise in carrying expensive antique furniture to those delivering components to high performance vehicle makers. His clients are split between both clients from Courier Exchange and customers he found himself.

And in providing a service for his clients, Nick has a few rules which he sticks to all of the time.

Always quote competitively. Secondly, always update the Driver App when setting off, when onsite and when delivered. Thirdly, always be polite and respectful to customers.

Nick, Owner at Nick Of Time Logistics

Nick mostly avoids long distance routes and works between London and the home counties. He starts his day by using CX to take jobs from either Berkshire, Hampshire or Middlesex, near to where he lives, into central London. Once he arrives in town and has dropped off his first consignment, he then looks for work in central London using the Driver App, or accepts loads from regular clients. When finished for the day, Nick uses the Exchange’s smart matching system to find a return journey which takes him as near as possible to his local area.

He says, “Around 60 percent of my work comes from CX. It’s introduced me to large clients in the automotive and aviation industries, and customers in the events and real estate sectors. I get regular work form each one and it’s really helped me to expand quickly. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to grow as quickly as I have done without CX.”

But Nick says that the vast network of contacts he has built up using the Exchange – plus his refusal to take short cuts have helped him to forge new opportunities.

He says, “Pre-planning really goes a long way – particularly when you are transporting fragile and delicate goods,” he says. “It’s not just about covering the furniture in polythene bags to protect them from dust and damage. The item that you’re delivering has to be secured to the van in such a way that it doesn’t move about, but not strapped down so tightly that it marks or chips the furniture while in transit. That’s not easy to achieve and takes a lot of preparation to get right. Many drivers ignore this and hope for the best.”

But not Nick who always “makes sure the item is heavily protected before setting off”. One day his diligent approach was recognised by a warehouse manager and rewarded in the best possible way.

Nick explains, “I was carrying an antique furniture bar for a contractor I was working for through CX. I’d taken great pains to surround it in foam and blankets. I then made sure it was securely strapped down before setting off. However, when I got to Bordon the warehouse manager asked me where the packaging was. I told him that the furniture had been strapped down in such a way that it could not be moved or marked.”

“After inspecting it more closely, he saw that I was right, apologised and shook my hand.  I thought that was the end of it. But the warehouse manager picked up the phone and asked if the company, that I was subcontracting for, could allocate me more work. I now do 10-15 white-glove jobs for the supplier where we unpack, inspect and install the item of furniture before removing all packaging. It’s specialist work and not everyone’s cut out for it.”

However, Nick says that his experience transporting precious goods proved invaluable to his success and has become an important niche for him. As well as antique furniture he also carries scale model buildings for a retail design firm.

Explains Nick, “I’ve transported about 30 of these scale models including one of the Shard. They’re about four feet high, lightweight and very delicate. The work is quite challenging as the models have to be taken apart and re-assembled at the delivery point. However, once they’re put back together again, my biggest worry is moving them safely to the room they’re being displayed without breaking, scratching or marking them.”

“Often this means doing a detailed recce the day before. And sometimes it means thinking out of the box. For example, we would normally use the goods inwards entrance to make deliveries, but for a model being exhibited at the South Bank Centre we used the front door instead because the loading bay wasn’t wide enough for the plinth to fit through. So after walking three different routes, I decided that actually climbing the steps and taking the model through the front door was the easiest solution.”

Perhaps then that’s first and last time that anyone has managed to manoeuvre the Shard – London’s tallest building – through the front doors of the South Bank Centre, but Nick Reakes has proved he’s an expert in moving fragile and unwieldy consignments.

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It’s a fine balance and one that few couriers achieve. How do you grow your business, yet remain faithful to your roots? It’s a question that Kevin Evans, owner of Avantee Logistics, pondered for a long time until he found the solution by signing up with CX, one of the UK’s leading collaborative logistics platforms.

How can you grow your business, while remaining faithful to your roots? It’s a question that Kevin Evans, the owner of Avantee Logistics, thought about for a long time, until he found the solution by signing up to Courier Exchange, one of the UK’s leading collaborative logistics platforms. Kevin founded Avantee Logistics, a same day courier service with headquarters in Tunbridge Wells and Reading, 5 years ago.

“We worked hard to build up a large and profitable customer base in Kent and Berkshire. Many of our clients are large logistics companies or manufacturers that are locally based, but operate throughout the whole of the UK and Europe. Like any ambitious logistics company, we wanted to forge closer links with them, but with a small fleet we realised that on our own, we didn’t have the agility or scale to provide national delivery capability to them at such short notice – unless we could find a recognised freight partner organisation to help.”

A game changer

Evans, who has worked in the same day courier sector for thirty five years, believed that the solution lay in collaborative logistics. It was then that he turned to CX.

He explains, “I had known about CX for a long time and decided to join. The technology is fairly intuitive, and it began to make a real difference to the business after just four months. Looking back, signing up to CX is probably one of the best decisions that we’ve ever made. Why? Because CX’s virtual fleet allows us to utilise the vast skillset of around 43,000 skilled drivers, meaning that we can take on jobs anywhere in the UK, and usually have them covered in around 60 minutes.”

Increased revenue stream

With Avantee Logistics primarily using CX to post loads, in percentage terms, how much does Evans think CX has added to the company’s annual revenue?

“99 percent of the time we use CX’s Live Availability Map (LAM) system to check the status of drivers in our network, and to post loads. We estimate that we earn between 15,000 to 20,000 pounds each month subcontracting work through the Exchange to its compliant freelance pool of drivers. And we would say the work we subcontract via the platform adds around 70 percent to our annual turnover.

Signing up to CX is probably one of the best decisions that we have ever made… the platform adds around 70 percent to our annual turnover.

Winning new clients

Has access to the CX virtual fleet also helped Avantee win new business?

“While I cannot say that CX is solely responsible for winning us new customers, it’s certainly played a part in winning new contracts. It’s made our business pitches to prospective clients much more compelling, because we’re able to tell them that we’re able to tap into a compliant virtual and mixed fleet at any time. That, I think, has added an extra dimension to our service offering.”

A communication enhancer

Kevin, who believes that “regular and pro-active communication between operator and customer” is the cornerstone of any successful logistics business, is convinced that the pioneering new technology developed by CX can play a key role in ensuring the client receives regular updates.

He says, “CX, has made this much easier for both us and the drivers that we subcontract. Why? Because if the driver activates the ‘on my way to pick up’ button, it means that the driver, the despatch manager at Avantee and the customer can all track the vehicle’s real-time position on the LAM. This means that nobody has to waste their time phoning the driver to find out where he is, which improves communication and efficiency.”

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Stewart has always known he’s wanted to be a courier and, since downloading the CX app, he’s been able to find his ideal work/life balance. He can choose his own hours and, with the app’s technology, ensure that he makes a decent wage each month. We’ve made self-employment that much easier!

“I consider myself very lucky in that I’ve always known what I wanted to do. I love driving, love vans and love logistics. I’ve been in the courier game for almost twenty years now, have delivered to every London postcode, and have absolutely no regrets.

I think perhaps the most rewarding aspect of my job, is that on a personal level, customers value the work that I do, and rely on me for their deliveries. But it’s good to feel part of something bigger too. I may be one man in a van, but, when I jump into my vehicle each morning, I’m proud to be one of the hundreds of thousands of drivers who keep the UK’s freight transport supply chain on an even keel.

However, it’s a tough gig. Van drivers are some of the hardest working people in Britain. For the last 18 years, for instance, I don’t think that I’ve had a Saturday off, and some parcel delivery companies will even fine you for being ill.

With a partner and two young kids, I decided to make a change. I was fed up with the long hours and frustrated that I was often doing the lion’s share of the work for little reward. I wanted more control, more flexibility in my working life. I found that when I started my own business, SB Same Day Couriers, a move which I owe largely to Courier Exchange (CX).

Why? Because CX has immediately given me a much better work/life balance. The App gives me the flexibility to choose my hours, and most importantly, its smart loading matching technology, ensures that I win enough loads each month to always earn a decent wage.


Today’s Friday – the busiest day of the week on CX. Suddenly my phone rings. It’s a large logistics contractor from Peterborough. They’re inviting me to quote on a multi-drop load -picking up in Rochester -which is only a 20-minute drive from my house in Greenhithe -and delivering to various addresses in Croydon. I know most of the Croydon postcodes because I used to do regular collection and delivery drops for a large parcel carrier for many years.

I quote for the job and my bid is accepted. After saying goodbye to my kids, I grab my flask of tea, my phone and jump into my Citroen Relay. Before leaving, I click the ‘on my way to pick up’ button. This allows the contractor and its Croydon-based customers to check my real-time position on the Courier Exchange’s Live Availability Map, which means I don’t have to field any needless calls when I’m driving.

I then head out of the drive and switch my radio to LBC. A couple of hours later, I’ve finished my deliveries. I take a sip of tea from my flask, update my status yet again on the app and wait. I’ve programmed the CX app to let me know about any load that falls within a 30-mile radius of my home, and this always seem to generate quick results.

It’s 11.30 am and as LBC discusses Brexit, another one of my regular clients, Red Spot Transport, calls. They ask me to quote on a multi-drop delivery in London. Thanks to my 18 years couriering across London, I know every inch of the capital, and jobs like this are meat and drink to me. I put in a quote and get it. It takes me several hours to complete all of the delivery drops, but luckily for me I manage to finish before the rush hour really begins to kick in.

Every day I set myself a target to earn at least £200. Today, the two jobs have made me much more than that and so I decide to head back home. However, I set my status on the CX app to ‘going home’ in the hope that I can land a backload. My phone finally rings. However, it’s not a business call that I was expecting. Instead, it’s my partner. She seems a bit flustered. She says she’s struggling to make the school run. I tell her not to worry and assure her that I can easily cover it.A quarter of an hour later, I’ve picked up my eldest daughter and am asking her about her day.

Okay, so I missed out on the backload today, but CX has given me something much more precious -the freedom and flexibility to work on my terms and no one else’s, which means I can always put my family first. That, for me, is the greatest selling point of Courier Exchange membership…”

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Iain and Alison Biddle have sat on both sides of the fence, initially using the Exchange to sub-contract business when they didn’t have a van and then taking advantage of the platform to fill their own fleet when necessary. Take a look at some of their excellent advice here.

Husband and wife team Iain and Alison Biddle have built their road haulage and freight business on a very important ethos -the customer is always right.

The ambitious couple run Thame Freight from their Oxfordshire home, carrying out express deliveries to destinations throughout the UK and continental Europe.

Their business has grown with the help of Courier Exchange, run by the Transport Exchange Group, enabling them to make contact with new businesses and customers.

Courier Exchange,an increasingly popular networking initiative, has allowed Iain and Alison to trade loads and journeys and source available or part-filled vehicles returning to base.

They set the firm up in 2001. Iain had worked extensively for a number of other hauliersbut decided to readjust his work/life balance by being based from home.

He said: “I was fed up of commuting and I felt there was a good living to be made with dealing with local companies.

“We found local companies that needed a specific service that theyweren’t getting and that’s where we started.”

Initially that meant forwarding goods by sub-contracting out business because the firm did not have a van for its first year of trading.

However, Iain and Alison soon realised they could increase their profitability by doing work themselves so they began to rent vans and drive them themselves before then moving on to buying a small fleet.

Iain added: “The first van we bought was a four metre Luton curtain-sider that could carry six pallets because we identified companies in the area that had small machines that were under four-metres long.”

He said the company had thrived because there were not many firms close by operating good reliable services with vans of that size.

On top of a good, reliable service, Iain said there was another key ingredient to Thame Freight’s success.

“We simply listen to what the company wants and offer them exactly what they want,” he added.

“The customer is always right.”

Iain said communication was key, as well as a friendly and approachable style that puts customers at ease, while also keeping them aware of all latest developments. Thame Freight’s work has now spread far afield.

Their customers have included deliveries to castles in Scotland, tours in Europe for stage lighting companies and even to a music concert by rock group ZZ Top.

Despite their solid footing in the industry Alison says Thame Freight has no plans to grow but instead to maintain its healthy existing position.

She said: “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. We are happy with the business.

“We can control what we’ve got here. We’ve got a good home-work balance.”

Alison said new businesses would do well to heed Thame Freight’s customer-orientated approach, as well as ensuring they are aware of the costs of setting up business.

She added: “I would advise people to make sure when you take jobs on they speak to the people that are giving them the work, the customers.”They pay the bills and you just need to keep talking to them and they’ll appreciate it, they will come back.”

Using Courier Exchange has enabled Thame Freight to get in touch with other businesses, build up important networking opportunities and pass on some of their hard-earned advice.

Alison added: “We are strongly involved with Courier Exchange.

It is an excellent way of making contact with other similar businesses as well as seeking out new opportunities for customers.”

“It has also meant we can listen to the ideas and experiences of other companies and also pass on advice through the experience we have gathered.”

Courier Exchange, which is run by The Transport Exchange Group, enables members to trade loads and journeys and to source available or part-filled vehicles returning to base. Put simply, users with more freight than they can carry post the load on the site, and those with spare capacity register its availability. The parties then arrange the transaction between themselves.

The system increases members’ efficiency as it enables them to reduce the number of empty vehicles they run, making each journey more profitable. The collaborative approach is also good for the bottom line because it enables members to share the cost burden of rising fuel prices, congestion charging and meeting onerous legislation. It also helps subscribers meet customers’ demand for carbon-efficient transport.

Members also have access to a host of other benefits, including a mobile solution enabling them to access the exchange while on the road, and a sophisticated online system which facilitates electronic trading, from order confirmation to invoice approval and payment.

Additionally, Transport Exchange Group’s services are the most secure in the industry. Only once operators have passed rigorous checks, including operator licence, insurance and credit checks, are they allowed to use the site. Members also provide feedback on performance and payment using TEG’s bespoke ratings system. These security features enable members to do business in absolute confidence.

Unlike other electronic exchanges, Courier Exchange is fully managed with support staff available to help member companies maximise the benefits of using it. It is this high level of customer service that helps differentiate the Transport Exchange Group from other online freight exchanges.

And unlike other electronic exchanges, subscribers only pay an up-front subscription fee -there are no pay-as-you-go charges or commissions charged.

For Thame Freight, Courier Exchange has been vital for their business.

Alison added: “Courier Exchange has worked very effectively for us.”

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