How to Make Every Day Earth Day on the Exchange

Earth Day comes around once a year to remind us that the environment needs our support and protection. While conducting business on the Exchange, whether moving loads from A to B or orchestrating logistics operations, there are small actions we can all take to make a big difference. We hope to encourage good habits that will last because every day should be Earth Day. 

Here are top 5 tips for making greener choices while completing loads on the Exchange:

1. Grab a reusable water bottle for everyday use and remember to fill it up between load bookings. Single-use plastic bottles significantly contribute to pollution, even when recycled and contain more microplastics than tap water. What’s more, a single-use plastic bottle that ends up in a landfill site takes approximately 450 years to decompose – scary stuff!     

2. Take freshly packed lunches with you on the road, reducing the environmental impact of the UK’s lunch-on-the-go habit. Studies show that around 11 billion pieces of packaging every year make their way into a landfill site. If you do happen to buy lunch, a solution could be to take your container with you instead of requesting plastic bags or sandwich wrappings. We know that sometimes waste is hard to avoid, but you can be prepared by always having a bag to store your rubbish and then correctly recycling it at the end of your day.    

3. You can make simple choices on your journey like switching your engine off when idle for longer than 2 minutes. It’s a great way to save fuel and reduce the amount of poisonous exhaust gases being released into the atmosphere. Simple things like regularly servicing your car, being mindful of speed limits, getting out of the habit of unnecessary revving and harsh acceleration all contribute to greener choices. 

4. Use our Return Journeys solution to eliminate dead mileage. If you’ve driven a long way to complete a load booking and are wanting to make the most of your miles back home, advertising your availability and upcoming route on our mobile app will help you receive real-time notifications matching you to backloads in the area – saving you time and optimising your fuel efficiency without ‘offloading’ extra pressure on the environment. 

5. Go digital with electronic quotes, PODs and invoicing using our platform and mobile app – making your life easier and helping you reduce paper wastage. 

Ultimately, Earth Day is about making conscientious choices, however small, that will lead us to a greener future. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how our freight tech solutions can help your business unlock latent potential and achieve peak efficiency, book a demo today.

The article was published on . It was updated on 16 October 2024 to make it more relevant and comprehensive.
